Friday 19 April 2013

Nundle, goldtown NSW, and a gold nugget of a story about a famous Australian air disaster

Sad and oddly elegant memorial to an air disaster

The late air hostess
Square Peak
Wristwatches found on crash victims showed that Lutana struck the peak at 8.15 p.m. Time, and life, stopped.

Lutana fused by heat to the rock
The aircraft's coffee urn

Recently, a 91-year old woman turned up in the tiny gold and wool town of Nundle NSW and said: "I was the air-hostess on board the DC-3 that crashed on Nundle's Square Peak, killing all on board."
Sounds like a good ghost story, we thought, as the town's information officer went on relating the story to us.
"The lady came in here and said that on the day of the fateful crash in 1948, the rostered hostess failed to turn up for duty at Brisbane airport and so she was asked to take her place on the flight to Sydney.
"The engines were already thrumming for takeoff when a car beetled over the strip. It was the rostered hostess and so we changed places at the very last moment. I shouldn't be alive," she said.

It wasn't a ghost story, but it sent a tingle through us all the same. 

Another yarn - Nundle Woollen Mill

Nundle's Mount Misery Gold Mine

Thursday 11 April 2013

Mudgee - a vineyard find and a lost railway

Never mind an Australian high-speed supertrain - just any train would be good here

Grand abandon

What a find - a famed white port you serve chilled

Pieter van Gent Winery  - well worth a visit and a tasting